

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

the lighthouse

The  lighthouse
“Yay, yay”, it was the end of term and everyone was having parties and family catch-ups. Meanwhile,
there was an old man who lived up in his lighthouse, all on his own. He was a grumpy, moody old man.
His name was Jeffery.

All of a sudden when the light was just about to come round to all the villages
Jeffrey thought he would here them go “Ayee” but they did not he looked out the window no light.

As quickly as he could, he grabbed his toolbox and ran up the winding stairs case.
He glanced at the light then glanced out the window and heard a boat go “Honk” “Honk”.

He had to think quick but did not have to think at all he had to do was run as fast as he could down the stairs.
He opened the door. It was like a sunrise. He did not know what the villages were doing.
He thought they would be too busy having parties.
But no, they were coming for him. They all stood on the balcony and the boat turned around. All cheered...
especially Jeffery.
